Things to Do Before and After Workout

Exercise: Love it or hate it, we can all agree that if you are going to do it, it should be as beneficial and effective as possible. It doesn’t matter if you work out for the mental stability and positive endorphins it can provide, or if you’re trying to get rid of a few extra pounds—we all want to feel that our time spent in the gym was completely worthwhile.

An effective workout routine begins before you even step inside the gym or start breaking in a sweat, it also does not end with your last set of lifts either. There are multiple things to consider when doing an effective workout and as such we will be discussing below all the things to do before and after the workout for an effective exercise.


Pre-Workout Routine

Eat for Fuel

There are some who prefers not to eat anything before starting their workout routine. But for those who need it for a clinical reason, or your body is simply just asking for fuel you should make it a point to eat some food. After all, if there is no food in, there is no energy out.

Now before gobbling down anything you find you must also take into consideration the food you intake. Look for food that can provide you with energy, such food should contain both carbs and protein.

Fruits like bananas, apples, and oranges are complex carbohydrates, which are a more sustainable form of energy. A protein shake or bar may also work.


Drink Water

Hydration is just as important in pre-workout as it is in during and post-workout. In a study, it is suggested to take in 17 – 20 ounces of water 2 – 3 hours prior to starting your workout.

Avoid taking in more than the suggested amount of water at the beginning unless you would want to visit the toilet every now and again throughout your workout session.

Hydration is important as it keeps your body from developing muscles cramps and keep you from becoming dizzy during your workout.


Plan Your Workout Routine

A soldier never goes to the battlefield without a thoroughly thought out strategy and this goes with your workout routine as well.

Whether you are using an app or traditional pen and paper it is important to plot out all the routine you will be doing. Knowing what is expected in terms of reps, sets, weights, and rest periods removes the guesswork and can help make your workout more efficient.


Do an Adequate Amount of Warm-ups

Never ever skip on your warmup even for a short exercise routine. The purpose of the warmup is to prepare your body by stretching the muscle and increasing your body’s temperature in preparation for the task you are about to partake in.

It also decreases that chance of straining yourself during your workout.

If you do want to, you can even opt-in doing dynamic warmup this can aid in increasing your range of motion which in turn help you make the most of your workout because you’ll be able to recruit more muscles during an exercise.


Have Plenty of Rest

Having an adequate amount of rest is crucial for a balanced lifestyle. Being well-rested not only energizes you through every jog or sprint, but it also keeps your hunger hormones in check, so you’re not undoing your efforts in the gym by overeating the rest of the day.

Sleep is also necessary for post-work-out as it gives the body time to recover which it desperately needs.


Post-Workout Routine

Do Some After Workout Stretching

You want your body to return to how it was before you started your workout. Muscles stretch and lengthen best when they are warm because they are more elastic and pliable.

As the muscle cools, it contracts. Stretching will help decrease soreness, accelerate your recovery process, relax tension from the workout and increase and build your range of motion.


Refuel and Drink More Water

We all know now that when we sweat, we lose water, to restore this and avoid dehydration it is important to intake an adequate amount of water.

After your workout, you may be tempted to munch on a big bowl of ice cream or anything sweet, avoid this. Consuming junk food or overeating will negate the efforts you have done with your workout.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, there are those who will be cutting calories or skipping a meal altogether. This is not healthy either as your body would still require calories to operate for the rest of the day.

Instead opt-in for food that is packed with protein and proper fibre to re-energize. This will also aid in faster recovery and help replenish your strength and rebuild muscles.


Consider a Cool Shower

If you have been working-out under warm weather, you may want to consider taking a nice cool bath after you have rested enough. Basically, if you are overheated, a cool shower will help your body get back to baseline.

And if you are one of the many people who feel that a cool shower after a workout makes you feel better mentally and/or psychologically, consider making it part of your post-workout ritual.


Change Your Outfit

This should be obvious right? But maybe you are in such a hurry to pick up a package that you just do not have time to swap attire. So, instead, you thought of simply getting dressed at home.

Even if you cannot change your whole outfit, it is important to remove any wet clothing, like your bra, underwear, and socks. Soggy workout clothing can trap moisture, promoting the growth of yeast, fungus, bacteria, and germs. And that can lead to breakouts or skin infections.


Write Down Your Workout

Keeping track of what you did in every workout will help you keep challenging yourself each time you exercise. It’s also a great way to make sure that overall, your workout routine is giving you what you want.


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