Things to Consider When Designing Wooden Lockers

Quality and beautifully designed wooden lockers can easily become the centrepiece of any locker room, whether it may be a posh country club or rugged gym facility. In considering the type of locker material to use for your business’ facility, it is essential to consider the key elements that will identify its versatility, durability, and style. In this article, we will be covering the many important points or things to consider when designing custom wooden lockers.


Quality of Craftsmanship

It is crucial to seek the work of a skilled, experienced, and highly qualified custom lockers designer who can create a model that will suit your needs. Whether you need a wood sports locker or any other type of custom design this is a necessity.

Poor craftsmanship will almost always lead to costly maintenance over time. Hiring someone with a high level of craftsmanship and professionalism will understand the importance of using great quality materials. In turn, the locker will stand the test of time with minimal maintenance and additional cost to your business.


Locker and Door Specifications

In designing your wooden locker, you must also take into consideration the overall image of your business. A rugged, sturdy environment such as a team locker room or a fitness centre may wish to maintain a minimalist style for its lockers, while more sophisticated environments, like resorts or golf clubs, may opt for more intricate styles with details such as louvred, raised or recessed panels in various finishes.


Locker Features

The features to be used in wooden lockers must be fitting with the application on which it will be used. For example, a locker at a gold club may require compartments, shelf, and closet space for equipment such as clothes, club, and shoes.

Another thing to add maybe a lockbox compartment and secured section. Likewise, in a spa, seating compartments complete with mirror backings and shelves will add to the overall relaxation while providing convenience to users.


Type of Wood

With so many varieties available, it is important to design wood lockers that best fit your style and budget.  Consider this scenario, a five-star hotel will for certain chose an exotic wood such as Blackwood (ebony) or Cherry, to complement the hotel’s overall design and aesthetic. While a sports club might use wood or other material that is sturdier or more affordable. Durability and resistance are other factors to consider in choosing the type of material to use when designing wooden lockers.


Storage lockers are an important part of many facilities, but do you want to know how to make it better? Talk to us today to find out more on about our NS1000 lock and how it could help in adding more value and security to your facility today!