School Tips: How To Survive the School Locker Room

For some of us Gym class is just no fun. Looking back physical education (P.E) wasn’t particularly my cup of tea either. If the amount of physical exertion wasn’t gruelling enough you have to face the embarrassment of having to change your clothes in a smelly room with other people in it. It can be hard to focus on being efficient and getting to your next class on time. Through the following tips below, we will discuss not only on how to survive the school locker room but also getting the most of your locker room time.

On Saving Time

  • Make Your Necessities Accessible

    When you are dressing for the gym class make sure to place your casual clothes on a bench or better yet hang them in your locker carefully. Never try to stack them into a ball or just leaving them on the floor altogether.

    If you keep them tidy, it will be easier for you to locate them, cutting the amount of time you have to spend in the locker room especially when you are in a rush for your next class.

  • Skip the Shower

    Not everyone will agree with this, but as we all know to take a shower can take up a ton of our time after gym class.

    If you are the not so fussy type you can skip the rinse-off and simply use wet wipes for quick cleansing.

  • Make Your Todays Outfit Gym Class Ready

    If you are planning to wear an outfit that you know would take some time to put on and take off, don’t! It may not be the best idea to wear those knee-high lace-up boots on a day that involves gym class.

    We can all sacrifice a day of looking casual even just for a day, right?

    More clothes to avoid are a button-down shirt, multi-layer tops and tight jeans. Recommended clothes include skirts with elastic bands, comfortable jeans, a pullover shirt, and slip-on flats.

  • Quick In and Out

    It can sometimes be tempting to have a quick chat with of the pals in the locker room, but you are on a mission and every second count.

    Use your time wisely. If you are able to change before the bell rings, then that’s the time you can have a chat.

On Keeping Your Privacy

  • No Need To Chat

    Some of us just aren’t comfortable chatting while undressing in front of others and that is completely normal. You do not need to have a chat with anyone while changing or pause to give them an answer to any questions.

    You can save all those ones you are all done. This will save you time and increase your sense of privacy.

  • Feeling Shy? Look for a Private Area

    Some gym lockers rooms have bathroom stalls that you can access.

    If you are extremely uncomfortable changing in front of others, you can slip into the bathroom stall and get a quick change.

  • Gym Clothes Under Shirt

    If you are stuck in a locker room that just doesn’t offer privacy at all, you can always opt-in wearing your gym clothes under your regular clothes.

    That way you no longer need to go to a private space to undress, you can simply take off your top layer clothes before class and then put them back on when it’s over.

    Note: This tip might not be suitable if you intend on doing a lot of sweating during class or during hot summer days.

  • Ask Your School for Some Curtains

    Unknown to some, a lot of people are, actually, uncomfortable changing in front of others. This could be due to medical reasons or body image issues.

    If you can gather a specific number of students to sign up a petition on getting this done, you might be able to convince your administration or school board.

On Improving Your Self Esteem

  • Everyone’s Body Is Different

    All of us experience unease when changing in front of others one time or the other, this can arise when you are constantly comparing yourself to others.

    Remember that everyone’s body is different and almost no one could live up to the ideals and standard we see on the media. Your body is your body and it’s fine no matter how you or others perceive it.

  • Ignore the Haters

    If you get teased on the locker room, the best that you can do is to ignore them. Typical bullies get a kick on getting a reaction from their victims. If you don’t react, for the most part, they will lose interest.

    If the teasing continues though, don’t be afraid to go and express your discomfort to your teacher, coach or even to your principal.

  • Change Your Perspective

    One way to improve your confidence in the locker room is to have a more positive view of your body. Think of the amazing things you can do – maybe you’re really fast or are able to lift heavy things.

    Always keep in mind that there are things that you can’t change when your body. Focus instead on the things that you can, set yourself some goals on improving them.

  • Give Yourself a little Nudge

    It’s completely normal to not feel comfortable in the locker room right away. Though do try to get yourself use to it.

    If you are not in the rush for your next class, you can slow down and have a little chat with others, don’t worry everyone is a bit uncomfortable one way or the other.

The locker room is an important part of the school, but do you want to know how to make it better? Talk to us today to find out more on about our NS1000 lock and how it could help in adding more value and security to your facility.